Automatic Wireless Announcement System (AWAS) is a prototype software system designed by the U2Labs and CCNY for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). AWAS generates and delivers public service, next bus stop and emergency announcements from a central location to one, all or a selected group of buses in the bus fleet. AWAS is capable of sending such messages in multiple languages and either as text or audio messages. On board AWAS unit allows for on-site testing of bus announcement capabilities.
Software systems and pilots developed for MTA include:
- Bus Service and Route Management Tool Set (Bus Trek)
- Automated Wireless Announcement System (AWAS)
- Contactless Fare Payments Systems for Buses and Subway Platforms
- Real-time Bus Location Systems
- Providing Wireless Mesh Networking in Subway Platforms
Services provided for Avaya include:
- Writing test specifications for VoIP services
- Generating conformance test sequences
- Generating realistic load tests based on real-life field data (not bulk calls)
- Generating test plans
- Generating executable test scripts
- Developing software to run scripts using COTS tools/environments
Services provided for Lucent include:
- Writing and execution of system verification test specifications for large scale deployment of Lucent optical systems